Wednesday, July 4, 2012


The poems have been read, scrutinised and judged by our well known radio gardening celebrity Gareth Austin.  The poem that he thought was the worthy winner was penned by Noeleen Walker from Fahan.  Gareth picked Noeleens poem ‘Genesis of a Gardener’ because it flows well, contains lots of gardening terms, humour and play on words. He also thinks verse 5 is super as it really catches how he feels when he sees the slimy trails left by slugs and also thinks slugocide is a great word!
Here is the winning poem. 


I recall with great nostalgia
Times when ‘Teacher Bryce’ would say
Pack up your school books children
We’ll be gardening today.
She taught us all the basics
We planted, sowed and dug
We raked and hoed and watered
And waged war on enemy bugs.

We sowed seeds of all descriptions
With great determination
And observed with satisfaction
Their successful germination.
We raised sunflowers tall and stately
We grew lettuce, beetroot, peas
There were biennials and perennials
And fragrant annuals for the bees.

My teacher realized even then
That on gardening I was hooked
For long after I had left the school
She sent catalogues and books.
Inspired by information
That I gleaned from all those tomes
I assumed the role of ‘Gardener’
In our modest plot at home.

In approval of my efforts
(Really no one cared a bit)
 I was given carte blanche
To chop and change as I thought fit
I cultivated, propagated
I pruned and mowed with glee
It’s still a work-in-progress
I’d need help from Alan T!

It’s a therapeutic hobby
For if I’m feeling a bit low
An hour spent in the garden
And the blues are sure to go.
But slimy trails on my prized plants
Now that, I can’t abide
I don my big Doc Martens
And commit mass slugocide!

I’ve launched many a futile ‘jihad’
On ground-elder, nettles and docks
I’ve chased all round the garden
After dandelion clocks!
My potting shed’s my haven
I work in it with pride
And if there’s someone to avoid
It’s a splendid place to hide.

The love of gardening is a seed
That once sown never dies
And to this same old adage
I can surely testify.
My fingers may not be so green
As yours were, that is true
But if you’re looking down on me
Mrs. Bryce – A Big Thank You.

More next week
Thank you to all who entered there are some fantastic entries, so many in fact I will be printing another runner up next week.  The winning books by Klaus Laitenberger and me will be in the mail to Noeleen today.

Gabion baskets are getting more imaginative and here is a new design called the Archimedes Spiral 

Gabion Baskets

I have mentioned Gabion Baskets a few times and said how impressive the basic types look in garden design.  The traditional wire meshed baskets hold the stone in place on many embankments and building developments but smaller ones can look great as a feature in the garden. I recently came across this great design from a company in the UK (see pic).  It’s called the Archimedes Spiral and made from mesh usually seen in goat pens. They are delivered in kit form and take a couple of hours to assemble. The cost is about €160 for the mesh, €100 for the stone and about another €50 for the plants so the whole creation will be in excess of €300.  What do you think?  Would you spend that amount of money on a planter?

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